Respect one another.
Good Luck Publishers Limited (an ISO 9001:2015 company) has made its presence felt within time in the domain of education as a leading publishing and printing house for producing quality books. The company produces well-regarded school books for the preschool and K-12 education market with over 461 titles adopted across 50,000 schools across the globe. It is one of the most preferred name among teachers, educationists and students. The company is located in India with it’s offices across major cities in the country and Africa.
Educating the leaders of tomorrow.
Respect one another.
Work is worship.
We are accountable for our actions.
Be loyal towards your work and company.
I take responsibility for the energy I bring into my work.
My potential is limited only to how many excuses I have.
The print facility houses top of the line, high-end machinery and workflow solutions to churn out 36,000 centre pinning and 30,000 perfect bound books per day.
This is to certify that we have been using learning resources from Good Luck Publishers Limited, India. We are happy to say that they produce pedagogically sound learning materials. Their innovative digital resources have helped increase students learning and classroom participation. Apart from this their products are very reasonably priced making it affordable for masses. We would highly recommend them to anyone looking for exciting range of learning resource materials with affordable price.
Hillside School,
EthiopiaThis is to certify that Good Luck Publishers Ltd, India has printed a total of 120,000 books for us. We are satisfied with the quality of books and their supply was on time. We would highly recommend them to anyone looking to outsource their printing work.
Murori Kiunga,
KenyaFollowing the final completion report from the Contract Manager dated 12th November 2018, This certificate is issued to certify completion of contractual obligation on the part of M/S Good Luck Publishers for supply and delivery of 226, 414 copies of P.4 Social Studies Pupils' Book and 36,362 copies of Teachers' guides to all government primary schools.
M/S GOOD LUCK Publishers fully discharged the Contract by performance
Ministry of Education and Sports,
UgandaThis is to certify that NCERT had placed work order for Printing & Binding of the following textbooks to M/s Good Luck Publishers Limited, D-12, Delhi Road Saharanpur – 247001.
1. Ganit Class – V 25,000 copies
2. Vasant Class – VI 2,00,000 copies
3. Rimjhim Class – III 1,00,000 copies
4. Hornbill Class – XI 1,83,000 copies
They had executed the orders satisfactorily. We are satisfied with their quality and delivery schedule.
Chief Production Officer,
NCERTThis is to certify that Good Luck Publishers Limited, India has printed in total of 400,000 books for us. We are satisfied with their quality of books and their supply was on time. We would recommend them for anyone looking to outsource their printing work.
Kelvin Yoo,
SingaporeThis is to certify that Good Luck Publishers Ltd has supplied various books for pre-primary and primary in different subjects. The quality of the books was very good and their supplies were timely. We would strongly recommend Good Luck Publishers Ltd to anyone looking for quality books.
Book Corner,
EthiopiaThis is to confirm that Happy Faces curriculum pack of Good Luck Publishers Limited was found to be innovative and pedagogically sound. It is a comprehensive offering and it incorporates all the 21st century skills in it. The books have been approved by the Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia.
Future Panel,